19 Apr 5 Ways to Improve Your Healthcare Technology Webinars
Webinars are a fantastic source for attracting qualified prospects!
Pick an Engaging Topic. What are the top challenges facing your healthcare customers? The challenges are the topic – not your technology. Be sure to find a topic where you can share your expertise and help the prospect.
Examples Titles: “3 Pitfalls of Provider Engagement – How to avoid for better patient care”. “Top Ten Ways to Upset Patients During and Post Discharge”
You get the idea. It’s all about lists, tips, tricks, and pointers. Give the audience something they can use. At the end of the webinar – do a quick demo and intro of your healthcare technology.
Promote via LinkedIn. Posting your webinar to your business LinkedIn page is a great way to get the word out. The best results will come from you reaching out directly to potential attendees via messages. Simply build a draft message with link to the webinar so you can copy and paste to contacts.
A good approach is schedule time every day to send out 10 messages to LinkedIn contacts that you are targeting. Shoot for 100 total, customized invites to the webinar. You can also promote your webinar with a paid post on LI.
Registered Does Not Mean People Show Up – If they signed up, they are interested. However, they probably won’t make it to the webinar as they got too busy, schedule conflict, etc. This is totally OK because now you have their contact information for continued outreach.
Be sure that, once they register, you have a message on the thank you page that offers to schedule a meeting directly with you to review the webinar topic. You could even have a video that prompts the contact to call you now or explains more about your technology.
Do Not Read A Script – You got the contact to the webinar. The last thing they want to hear is a boring, scripted, presentation. Keep the tone conversational and encourage questions during the entire webinar.
You want to build rapport so have fun with it! Find a team member with the best personality to present even if that person is not the subject matter expert. You can have your experts on the webinar and they can answer any questions should your presenter not know the answers.
Use Simple Slides and Images – People connect with images and stories. When using a slide deck for the webinar presentation, keep it simple. Don’t litter the slides with your logo, lots of text, or unnecessary images.
If your topic involves addressing the pain points of your attendee, be sure to find images that suggest that pain and talk to that slide – no need for text. Use as little text as possible.
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